
151 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses

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So its colorful... (So colorful I can't see the crosshairs) It relates to what some people do.. but thats all this 'game' has...

It's unoriginal, pretty basic & repetitive...

This is great

The 3d effect is great, and it's completely original. one thing though... no sound...


creative title.
not the best, but sometimes games without that degree of professional'ness' are just as good.
Original story, smooth cut scenes, creative title, awesomeness, and the creative title. +5


"good thing his car is crap" Lol
Good job with this game, the open environment really makes it realistic (and a bit more annoying when I gotta walk around...)
Still, you've got the right font.. good dialougs.. generally everything is well made. A lot of missions and it's clearly GTA in flash form..
The controls are solid.. "hit tests" = missing.. not much sound.. But a entertaining & time consuming (In a good way) game.
+5 :D


"the visualizer isn't real"
ha, you had me going there...

nice work, looks good & functions

Fun, but not original

it's a copy of 'bug war' & some other games that are out there...
you haven't really improved anything except added spells.

the fact that units don't attack each other when they pass right by is weird...

By the way, learn to bug test before you submit an already crappy game -- if you had a building selected and it just got taken over & you release the drag towards any other building, it sends enemy troops... it's like you're able to control the enemy if you do this...


It's a reskin of the original, seriously look at it.
Same thing but with days, changed music and 1 more upgrade

to me, this looks like an attempt to get some money from ads by living off the hype the first infectionator had.

not really that great of an improvement when you compare it to the original, but it works out well as a game on its own so you get credit for that...

Good job

Smooth graphics and gameplay, overall a good game.

Just one thing though,
"Peach: The Cake for Mario is still sitting in the Fridge? We'll need to heat it up for when Mario gets here..."
I don't understand why you would heat up a cake & Cake and Fridge don't need to be capitalized. I also didn't even know mario had refrigerators

Fun but too hard

I mean extremely hard.
Another thing, the pop up dialougs sometimes prevent me from selecting towers to attack / move my units to.

23.12.2009 - 23:27 Laser purchased(1) - 40.000 Credits 23.12.2009 - 23:23 Ship purchased(1) - 100.000 Credits

Age 93, Male

the 3 bobs

Your school


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